Every place whereon the soles of your feet
shall tread shall be yours: Deut 11:24
The children of Israel were promised the land of Canaan through the seven fold covenant made with Abraham. It was theirs, by right. However, God made it clear that although it was theirs, they had to claim it. Inch by inch, foot by foot (or maybe cubit by cu-
bit). Likewise, we are promised a life of victory over sin and circumstances, but as with Israel, we must claim it – promise by promise. And, that ain’t easy sometimes. Well, actually, most of the time. God never promised that life would be easy. God never promised them Jews that there would be no walled cities, fearsome armies and even giants. But, God
promised them victory. Victory, if they fought their battles God’s Way and claimed the
land given them. That is what CrossPower Ministries is all about. Teaching, challenging Christians to claim what is theirs in spite of, and sometimes because of their circumstances. That’s why we call CrossPower “Evangelism to Christians”. We have good news for God’s people! Through these many years, we have had the privilege to leading thousands
of people into Victory by understanding what was actually provided by the work of The
Cross. By God’s Grace people are leaning how to “march” into their promised land.
Thank you for praying for us and supporting us.
We were able to begin distributing the gift cards to the families of prisoners that we
made mention in our last newsletter. Within hours after handing out some of the gifts in
the parking lot of the prison, we received a wonderful email from one of the recipients
thanking us for the gift and the encouragement. This was our first response and we are
excited to anticipate many more in the future. This is slow work, but we believe God is
going to honor it in His time. We were also able to provide a substantial amount of money
to provide food for the family of a prisoner. They had no where else to turn and we were
so grateful to have the resources to help. God is very slowly filling our calendar for 2025.
Please pray for new meetings to be scheduled to help people “march” into victory. Your
support has always been vital, but never more than now. Thank you!!!