With Bibles in hand the Burneys are ready to come to you.
Rev. Bob & Joy Burney
In 1976, Rev. Bob and Joy Burney founded a Church in Westerville, Ohio. During their twenty-five year ministry, God used the Burneys as they shared their hearts and lives compassionately through the years with their congregation.
As they studied God’s Word, they realized that the compelling message of the Cross is the power source that changes countless lives for the Glory of God. That teaching soon became the focus of Calvary Bible Baptist Church and their unique message influenced countless lives.
God began to burden the Burneys to reach beyond the walls of their church. As they counseled individuals and families, they learned that the average believer was not being taught nor comprehended the true message of the cross.
The burden became intense as they witnessed the discouragement of missionaries, pastors and church staff. They knew that the hurt, pain and struggles often become buried and will eventually affect the entire ministry.
Thus, CrossPower Ministries was born.
Since 2000, the Burneys have been traveling to churches and areas all over to proclaim the message of the Cross. Wherever there is an open door they will go. They would love to come to your location.
Bob and Joy truly understand brokenness. They have experienced it in their own lives. It is through the pain of brokenness that has brought their desire to communicate the healing and power that only the cross can bring.
The Burneys have three children, eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Bob also ministers through a daily call-in radio program on WRFD 880am from 3:30-6p.m M-F. You may also listen live over the internet by going to http://www.bobtalk.com . Bob was named the Salem Communications 2005 National Talk Show Host of The Year. His program was nominated in 2005 by the National Religious Broadcasters for Talk show of the year – designating it as one of the top ten religious Talk Shows in America.
The Burneys are authors of two exciting books. Bob’s book – Remember Whose You Are – reveals the power of a Christian’s identity in Christ. It includes an in depth commentary on I Corinthians chapter one. Powerful and thoroughly applicable. Joy’s book – My Shadows of Death – is an autobiography. It reveals that for a Christian, every death is followed by a resurrection. This is not a book about physical life and death but the wonderful truth that resurrection comes from total surrender to the death of The Cross.
Another life changing resource is the DVD series – Living in Victory. This is a 7 session Bible based study that will guide you on YOUR ROAD TO VICTORY through the power of the Cross. Each session is approximately 45 minutes in length and is ideal for a SS class, Home Bible Study, Small Group or individual study. The DVD’s come with an interactive study guide.
The Burneys are passionate about presenting the liberating truth of the CROSS! They are also passionate about the local church. Their greatest desire is to encourage and enhance the ministry of local churches. Pastors can feel safe in bringing CrossPower Ministries to their church.
See what people are saying about CrossPower…
“I’ve been saved for 50 years but I have never understood the Cross in this way!”
“You helped us to see what was accomplished on the Cross in a brand new way. For the first time, we understand that the Cross is our key to victory”
“I will never look at the Cross the same. Your teaching has changed my life”
“I have a brand new understanding of Gal. 2:20. I’ll never be the same”
“As a pastor, I so appreciate how the Burneys connected with our congregation. Our people absolutely love them and the teaching was used by God to bring a spirit of Revival”